change DNS servers even if receive IP settings automatically (DHCP), we can configure manually DNS servers some users managed to solve the Internet speed related problems by changing DNS servers (for example, using Google DNS servers) instead of using the service provider DNS servers.change MTU packets size MTU packets (Maximum Transmission Unit) represents the maximum size of a PDU (Protocol Data Unit) which can be used during one single transaction at network level some users managed to solve bandwidth problems by changing MTU size according to the MTU used by the service provider therefore, we should contact our ISP to send us the MTU size we should configure on customer end on the PS4.In case we encounter network related speed issues using a PlayStation4 console, we can try as follows: In that particular situation PS4 reps pointed the problem is on the service provider’s side although tests clearly indicated a PS4 problem. The only device which had network speed related problems was PS4. Being a very common issue, according to the user comments from Playstation Community, an Internet service provider employee made several tests in the same environment using different devices.