Thus goes The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, an absurd Horror Comedy series created for Cartoon Network that combines dark comedy, slapstick, and eldritch horror themes reminiscent of those found in H. Grim is now (begrudgingly) forced to serve as something of an underworld version of Mary Poppins, thanklessly placating Billy's demands for cheap entertainment and Mandy's schemes for self-profit with his magical scythe while desperately trying to find a way to be rid of the duo for good. The pair challenge 'Grim' to a limbo contest to save the hamster when Grim loses (through Mandy's cheating) he becomes Billy and Mandy's newest friend - and by 'friend,' we mean that he's contractually bound to cater to their every whim. The Grim Reaper has come for a soul - specifically, a hamster in his dying days - but he's thwarted from taking the hamster to the afterlife by two polar-opposite children: the blissfully idiotic Billy (the hamster's owner) and his cynical, amoral best friend Mandy.